Moving in with your boyfriend or girlfriend? Read these 6 tips before you do.

So you’re ditching the roommates, or leaving the quiet of your own place, and moving in with your significant other. Congratulations! You’re excited, but let’s be honest, you’re probably a bit nervous too. Will we get along? What if we get sick of each other? Can I actually co-exist in the same space as someone else?! Fear not. We’ve been there, too, so we’ve compiled some of our top tips to set you up for success.
Grit Your Teeth And Figure Out Your Finances
The idea of talking about money is as enjoyable as having your wisdom teeth removed, but it’s so important to have these conversations. So before moving in, sit down with each other and have “the talk”. Figure out your monthly budget, how you’re going to split costs, and your expectations for each other. It will save you from having even more uncomfortable conversations later on. A few budget items you’ll want to consider:
- Monthly rent & utilities
- Home furnishings (we’re here if you need us!)
- Monthly food and dining expenses
- A “fun” budget that you can use for anything you want

And of course, think about saving for the future. Whether it’s for that dream vacay, or some peace of mind, you’ll be happy to have that extra cash on hand!
Want to take it to the extreme? Head over to and use their nifty budget calculator to get your finances down to a tee.
Take Stock of What You Have

Was anyone else obsessed with “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix? We were! Now that you’re moving in with your boo, it’s time to pare down your belongings and combine things. Take a page from Marie’s playbook as you’re packing up your old place. When going through your items, ask yourself, “Does this bring me joy?” If it’s a jacket you haven’t worn this decade or a cooking device that you have no idea how to use, donate it. Communicate with your partner what you each have so you don’t end up with duplicates of items like toasters, blenders, and 9,000 coffee mugs.
Remember that closet space, countertops, and storage may be at a premium, especially since two people are going to be sharing a space. Try to be respectful of your S.O.’s decisions and things he/she wants to keep. You may not get why he wants to keep that Ninja Turtles T-Shirt from 2002, but if it’s something that’s truly important to him it’s worth the compromise. This works both ways!
Explore Style Options
Furnishing a new place is fun, but where do you begin? Start by spending some time figuring out your style. Start with our Style Finder. Both you and your partner can try it separately and then compare results. From there, take a look on Instagram and create a Pinterest board to get an idea of what you both like.
You may want to align on a few key colors for your new place. If you’re stuck on color, we’ve got you covered. Check out our color wheel and palette styles below for a quick tutorial on how to choose and match colors. What color matches your style? What color matches your partner’s? We bet you’ll have some similarities. If not, a neutral color palette (white, grey, tans) may be the way to go. You can each bring in smaller accent colors you enjoy.

We give you permission to splurge (within reason)
You’re moving in together. This is exciting. Celebrate the occasion by splurging on something that you’ll both love (work it into your budget). Maybe an indoor potted tree will bring some life into your space, or some new dinnerware to spruce things up (after all, you’ll be hosting a dinner party or two). Perhaps some new premium bedding will do the trick. Our friends at Bloomscape, Year & Day, and Parachute have all the home goods you’re looking for. Tell them we sent you!

Designate “Me” Space for Each of You
There’s something awesome about getting to be with your partner all the time, but don’t forget, it’s okay to be apart and have some privacy. There’s no shame in watching The Real Housewives in one room and Jack Ryan in the other. If you have the space, carve out a personal area for each of you. Maybe you enjoy meditating on the balcony decorated with your favorite succulents and your partner has a bit of a man (or woman) cave in the extra bedroom.
Creatively Compromise to Reduce Conflict

Living together is when you really get to know your significant other. Good and bad habits emerge, and ideally, you’ll create new habits together. If your partner’s habit annoys you, work on a solution together instead of fighting about it every day. For example, if your partner always throws their underwear on the bathroom floor, put a hamper there. If they snore, get a white noise machine to help you sleep through the night.
At the end of the day, coming home to someone you love is what makes a house (or apartment) a home. Enjoy your new space and this next chapter in your relationship!
What do you wish you knew before moving in with your partner? Let us know in the comments!